It quite something to look back and ponder how can those who wear the purple of the Fraternity could think that this color is a license to do whatever they wish and set aside lessons taught in our Degrees such as justice, tolerance, Brotherly Love and others. Being castigated because being seen in attendance in a ceremony open to public as a warning to those "disobeyed" was not enough, the plot to divide and hijack a lodge was a stuff right out of the TV soap opera show and a demostration of how power can corrupt weak minded men. On this day, again I applaud the action of the Brethren of Pintong Bato Lodge for standing tall against injustice and whimpsical notions of misguided individuals. I congratulate the Brethren and those who support them for courage and persistence againt an overwhelming odds, you and the rest of the Brethren of IGLPI showed the rest of us that Brotherhood doesnt meant blind obedience but of distinguishing what is right and what is wrong then applying Brotherly Love to those who we can trully call Worthy Brothers of the Craft. My profound congratulation to the Brethren of Pintong Bato and the rest of IGPLI. Mabuhay!!
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