Saturday, December 15, 2007

Masonry in our Hearts

Sustaining progress from a fresh start by putting Masonry in the heart

Installation of Grand Officers
01 December, 2007
2nd Annual Grand Assembly
The MW Independent Grand Lodge, F. &. A.M. of the Philippine Islands
Cavite Lodge No. 2, Cavite City

Memorable episodes in history are not always played by famous, powerful men but by ordinary men. The great gothic cathedrals of Europe, still standing magnificent today were built by artisans who remain faceless except for the fact that they were known as Masons from whom, it is said our Fraternity derived its origins. Great revolutions were fought and won not really by generals but by men who were willing to sacrifice their lives for love of country, and the principles they decided to embrace.

Because of your unswerving faith and belief in the true essence of liberty, equality and fraternity, your Grand Lodge is a democratic institution. We have a constitution that enshrines your rights. You have ratified the essential codes – the Administrative, Judicial, Election and Appointments Codes, together with the Uniform Code of By-laws for Member Lodges that will guide us and the future generations of Masons in the government of the Craft in this jurisdiction. In all these, you had exercised your right to be heard and be a part in the formulation of these instruments. And by your exercise of suffrage, you have now formed a new set of officers. Brethren, from these foundations we shall build.

Year 2006 was a year of change. 2007 was a year for a fresh start. Let 2008 therefore, be a year for sustaining progress from a fresh start by putting Masonry in the heart - a year of building strength; a year of building bridges to society; a year of building knowledge and values; a year of building stronger ties among the families of Masons.

As members of our lodges and the Grand Lodge therefore, no other mission can ever be greater than to make the mission of the Craft our mission - to internalize all its teachings, and devote our time and effort toward the fulfillment of our duties as Masons. Our vision is a Grand Lodge that is democratic and concerned primarily in uniting lodges and their members in the “grand design of promoting happiness.”

After a year of labor, our Grand Lodge has succeeded and proven its capability to organize and to provide the essential instruments of governance. As we were doing these, we have seen how very basic reforms in the organization which, we immediately undertook can inspire our members and encourage new initiates to our Fraternity. We saw the unselfish devotion and dedication of our officers and members, sharing their limited resources and time, but contributing invaluable talents for the cause and ideals we had vowed to embrace.

With these therefore, there is no doubt that by sustaining these gains, united, we shall achieve greater heights and travel forward, conquering every conceivable obstacles along the way.

In our Masonic banner, let us emblazon our commitment of sustaining progress from a fresh start by putting Masonry in our hearts.

For complete text see: Masonry in our Hearts.

1 comment:

Peter Clatworthy said...

Please contact me as soon as possible.

Grand Secretary
Grand Lodge of All England