Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Re: Neutrality and Harmony

Was it former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher who said that , "we should not stand on the middle of the road, the vehicles on both side will run us down...". Days prior to and during the EDSA Revolution of 1986, our civilian friends kept on telling us to take sides as to stay neutral will not make us a hero. Only the winning side will declare you a hero. The winning side is the side of truth, of justice, of good, of freedeom.

When elders told us to wait out the term of GM YU, it was to admit defeat for truth, for justice, for freedom, for morality. It was to tolerate his acts and suffer in silence. It was to take a vacation from Freemasonry, from friends and brothers, from meetings, from conferrals and rituals. It was to see our brothers suffer the injustice. It was to suffer humiliation from those who are not in fidelity to a covenant.It was to accept the corruption of rules. It was to tolerate unworthiness and accept unqualified leaders. It was to allow the reforms to go to naught.It was to let the fraternity slide down from the original aims of Masonry.It was to accept Masonic Doctrinal Adulteration.

We had a rough and rugged journey in the IGLPI with a despidida of EDICTS 232 and follow on Orders from the Appendant Bodies and other Suspension Orders following our wake so that " no more remembrance maybe had of us..." We are now sailing with fair winds and following seas. We can meet each other " on the level" .Under different Grand Lodges we will remain as BROTHERS. Let it be a good start. From here, we will have to redraw new designs in the trestleboard against DICTATORSHIP, INJUSTICE, IMMORALITY, UNTRUTH. Later we may navigate in the same waters

ONLY the Grand Lodge can ASSERT its SUPREME authority over the acts of the GM YU. May the GLP UPRIGHT itself and protect Masonic MORALITY, JUSTICE, TRUTH, BROTHERLY LOVE .May your ANCOM enshrine the true Masonry we seek of. We admire the many Masons who stand up and be recognized as the true defenders of Masonic Morality.

By the way will ANCOM 2007 accredit the GLP GM YU created phantom Clandestine lodges ( those lodges WITHOUT Charters; whose leaders are SFND, expelled. delisted, absentees; meeting elsewhere; doing doctrinal anomalies and irregular rituals ) ?

Bro Jim Bantolo

April 14, 2007

*** this MW Jim Bartolo's comment re: Neutrality and Harmony.


Freddie said...


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