Sunday, September 13, 2009


Honorificabilitudinitatibus -"the state of being able to achieve honours."

In an organization that espouses a notion of equality among members in particular and humanity in general, it is worth mentioning of the widespread use of Masonic titles and its apparent acceptance. The titles come abound such as religious sounding designation--- Most Worshipful, Right Worshipful to self-styled label as Past Assistant Grand Secretary.

The Fraternity is not immune to this concept. Organized entities such as military, religious or even academia carry out this human pleasure world wide. Like any culture, there are rules when, where, and how honorifics are to be practice. Honorifics are words or terms of respect used when referring a person. Its is given and awarded during the moment as recognition to deserving personage. A manifestation of respect, it is earned and at a times very challenging to own in perpetuity. Those who truly recognize the lessons of the Craft will receive the words with humility and with the same passion of wearing a plain lampskin apron rather than the model bedecked with fancy handwork. Indeed, astute student of the Craft understand that vanity loom to its conclusion when his "weary feet shall come to the end of its toilsome journey."

Masonic Titles – An Observation.


HL No. 279